In search of the greatest common denominator
Both NOA and Stories by NOA can be called unique. More than 30 brands work together to take outdoor living to the next level. The concept has a greatest common denominator behind which all partners are united and that offers the opportunity to create unique content, which the partners can also use themselves, but which also establishes a new umbrella brand in the market. From all feedback, the cross-pollination between brands and products that NOA and Stories by NOA provide is the single greatest asset.
This type of concept can also work in other sectors or contexts. It is not the common target group that is most important, but the vision or ideology you want to go for together. For example, you could set up a platform with Belgian brands. Or with sustainable brands…
Still a lot of opportunities
In addition, content can play an even more important role with such umbrella brands than it already does with NOA. One example? You could work out subscription formulas where premium members get additional content and other benefits. And then the revenue model is not the most important thing, but the value creation you create. And when such a brand goes outside the country, you get a lot of new opportunities again. Multibrand umbrella brands and content, it’s a match made in heaven…
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